Flower Girl Dresses Calgary:
Custom Designed by Hanna

Perhaps the most difficult-to-fit members of the wedding party are the flower girls. By definition they are young—and still growing! When do you get the flower girl dresses?

Calgary mothers understand the difficulties of travelling to, and searching in, the bridal shops. Will the flower girl dress fit on the wedding day? Will there be time to re-fit? How costly is that? And if I wait, will it still be available?

Quality CraftsmanshipA good flower girl dress designer understands the special problems that arise in the creation of flower girl dresses. Whether the flower girl dress is meant to match or complement the wedding party, each dress can be customized to suit the individual.

Hanna’s experience will help you avoid design problems and she will create a time-line to ensure that a perfectly dressed flower girl will enhance the wedding ceremony.

Seams You Can Trust

Flower girls, especially young flower girls, can be a little hard on delicate dresses. Hanna’s flower girl dresses, like all her work, are created with quality craftsmanship. No last minute seam-splitting. No pins required. Just a blossoming flower.